Together, we are His house.
Chattanooga Convention Center
1 Carter St, Chattanooga, TN 37402
We believe in the local church. We cannot build our lives around a ministry, we only build our lives around the Jesus. Kingdom brings regional and local breakthrough for the redeeming nature of God. Churches bring about hope and faith among the hurt of a city and also raises up strong families who creatively release His kingdom.
We are excited to be apart of Chattanooga’s Story of revival and renewal.
— Pastors Taylor & Karrissa Jenkins
Together we will see Chattanooga filled with the glory of the Lord.
We invite you to join our church community. Regardless of background, there is room for you to come and connect with people and be apart of what God is doing in Chattanooga. We would love to invite you to one of our Alpha classes, as well as our Sunday Morning services.
We are always pressing into more of Him. We believe God wants to break into every life and situation with power and bring redemption. As we encounter Him, we are commissioned to become His disciples and find our identity in Christ. Join us for Spiritual formation and discipleship. We have foundation classes you can participate in to grow in!
In this World, Jesus tells us there will be trouble, but He has overcome this World. He has purchased our freedom and we are pursuing wholeness. We would love to walk with you through inner healing and deliverance through your process of experiencing God’s fullness for your life. Please see one of our Pastoral staff to learn more.
We are a Kingdom people partner with Jesus to redeem all things back to God. It’s God’s desire for us to live empowered by the Spirit and walk in signs, wonders, and miracles like Jesus did. This is our heavenly call that launches us into destiny. We have Power Evangelism Outreaches to go on the streets and contend for healing and words of knowledge. Ask one of our Pastoral staff about this outreach.

We are a community marked by His Spirit and hungry for more of Him. His presence is central in everything we do, and we represent and release the Kingdom in the Earth!
Join the Team
If you are interested in serving the people of Chattanooga, TN and want to see the kingdom of God break out, we would love to connect. Near or far, if we can serve your leadership in any way we would love connect!
Stay up to date with us!
We wont spam you, but will give you key info on what’s going on in our community!